Friday, 17 May 2024

Sent with a mission! (continue)


n the mid 90's, The congregation we were part of grew considerably and it was even considered to have 2 services per Sunday. For us  that means also more work in the Church! It seemed logical to us to live closer to our church, given the distance and time. But how strange things can go. There had been turmoil in the congregation for some time regarding an impending divorce from a missionary couple. It was sensitive because we were closely connected with them. After a while they were asked to leave the congregation. It was also the same conclusion for many church members, do we stay or leave this now familiar place?

There had been several difficult cases between churchleaders and churchmembers in the past . Less than a month after we moved, we were again without a church. Many young people in particular had left the Church because of this situation, which led us to the decision to open our home as long as they did not find a new congregation. There was even more connection between us, and along the way several found a new congregation. That God's ways are inscrutable became apparent from an experience I had one evening at that time.

I was home alone and needed a time of worship. I putting on a videoconcert by Paul Wilbur recorded during The Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem, Israel. Wonderful music that brought me into the presence of the Lord. Until suddenly I heard a voice that said; "Climb up here and I'll show you what takes place here in heaven!"

What do you say Lord? Didn't you say that to your discipel John too? What I was allowed to see and hear after that would change my life completely.

Bring Me Benjamin


he music no longer attracted my attention, I closed my eyes and became silent before the Lord. When I opened my eyes again I found myself at the back of very large hall, it looked more like a entrance of some great cathedral. Impressive with high windows, In the distance I saw two high big doors. While I'm looked around and wondered where I was, I heard voices and saw figures walking in the distance. One figure was clearly in the middle and on either side I saw several figures walking one after the other.

I asked the question; Who is that Lord? And just like you can bring out the picture with the lens of the camera, so I got a bigger picture of what was happening in the distance. I saw the man in the middle, He wore a royal cloak around his shoulders, heavy beacause of so much blood in which he seemed to be drenched. on his head a crown of gold, with through it an image of a crown of thorns. It became clear to me that this had to be Jesus. I look fascinated for a while. I saw that they stood still as they arrived at the doors.

jesusThe man in the middle, who I was now convinced was Jesus, took the knob of the door in His hand, I held my breath. Was I here now shown the coming of Jesus to earth? But unfortunately, He did not open the door.The picture started to play again before my eyes. Every time I saw them only from back to front walk. suddenly I seemed to be closer to Jesus, and I asked Him, Lord, what is stopping You from opening the door? (for I understood that with the opening of the door, He would indeed come to earth) Then He turned His head back, looked over His shoulder, I saw only half of His face hanging down sadly and opened His mouth, and there came out of His mouth a cry, which went through the marrow and bone, crying with a sob;'BRING ME BENJAMIN'

After this loud, sad cry, I was back in my living room and still sitting on the couch. I noticed that it was now the Holy Spirit who came close and opened my mind and heart to the explanation of this special vision.

The Jewish people and her Messiah



vents were brought to my mind by the Spirit of God.Like the story of Joseph, who was also sold by his brothers, but was therefore used by God to provide food for the world at that time (Genesis 41:57) Likewise, Jesus had gathered before him a people from among the Gentiles, and blessed them and adopted them as children.

Two thousand years had passed, but now Jesus longed for His own people, the Jewish people, to recognize Him as the only and true Messiah. The people who had now come back from the dispersion among the nations, to them He now desired to reveal Himself.Benjamin, as He called His people now living. The people who had returned to the land of Israel and still came flying like doves. (Isaiah 60:8) Totally stunned, I thought about what I had just experienced.

59Jesus had opened His heart to me, but who was I to let me experience this? His deeply displayed emotion made tears roll down my cheeks. "Is this what goes on in heaven, in your heart and soul?" In silence and meditation I allowed all the thoughts that the Holy Spirit wanted to tell me to come to me So Jesus was ready to come to earth, but was still waiting for the love of His people before Him.

It had become clear to me; The Jewish people had to embrace their Messiah and then the heavenly clock would tick again to Jesus' return.Hadn't He made that clear to me before with other examples?!

Start a church especially for My people Israel


was given a few weeks to process this vision.One day I was busy in my bedroom when I heard the voice of Jesus again, and He suddenly asked me the question; Well daughter, what de banier zwijndrechtare you going to do with what I've revealed to you Rather perplexed at this question, I asked: But Lord, what must or can I do? 'Start a church spoke the Lord'
That shocked me, a church? after all we've only had to put behind us recently? Am I hearing this correctly? But His voice continued quietly: 'Start a church especially for My people Israel. Teach the congregation all about my plan for Israel and My people from the Gentiles.Invite teachers who can teach the congregation. Give tithes of all income to projects that support My people. I'll give you everything you need' I discussed this with the widow of one of the pastors of the church that we had left so recently.

It was then that I first heard of her love for Israel. She decided to stand next to me in this assignment. With another dear Israel friend we went to pray for leading and help in all we had to do. My husband John, who was never going to be so fast, decided to get behind us , and that is necessary before you start such an adventure.

banier steun israel

The Banner

banier 1banier 2


rom that moment on things went fast. We heard by chance that a good space would become available in September, where services had previously been held on Sunday mornings. We were able to take over the hall on Sunday morning without any problems. We had our own trusted praise team at our disposal who were looking forward to it again after being retired for a while because of the problems in the previous congregation.

Already in the beginning we had asked the Lord to lead us to organizations that we could support with the set aside 'tithe'.For example, the first work of John and Judy Pex called 'the Shelter' in Eilat came to our attention.We also wanted to support a settlement and contacted Sondra Baras, International intermediary. She would take us to a settlement that could use our support.Fia and I planned to go to Israel and personally visit the projects to be closely involved as a congregation.

For reasons that I would not understand until later, it was on my heart to invite two more sisters from the congregation. One of these two spoke a little Hebrew and that might come in handy.A great adventure lay ahead of us, the planning could begin!

Our 1st trip to Israel

john judy pex


e had prayed and made plans together. Our 1st stop would be the missionary couple John and Judy Pex who ran the Shelter in Eilat. 
A beautful seaside town at the tip of Israel's South near the Egyptian border.  There were a number of rooms built with mainly bunk beds. good facilities such as toilets and showers were available. Each morning a Bible study was conducted in the covered courtyard, which resembled a large Tabernacle. 

eilatOn Friday evening there was evangelism on the nearby beach. and people were invited to the service at six-thirty, after which a delicious meal was offered. People of all kinds of nationalizations would entre in. Each group sat together and had its own translator. It was clear to us that this work deserved our support! The contact clicked immediately,

After a nice day at the beach we left by bus for a long trip to Jerusalem. That would be an unforgettable visit!

To Jerusalem!

christ church


o we continued our journey to Jerusalem. Jerusalem, 'the City of Gold' there is something magical about it.I had been there with John for the first time in the 1970s, but that was already 30 years ago.It was a long bus ride but also a nice ride through the desert. Our residence for the next few days was The Anglican Christ Church, a beautiful church with a guest house and a cozy restaurant, run for Christians and by Christians. He is close to the Jaffa Gate. I would come back many times later.

After we had been allocated our rooms and our suitcases had been unpacked, we went to relax on the pleasant terrace behind the building.We were impressed by the beautiful garden and silence and enjoyed our coffee and soft drinks.Having a nice chat and looking back at what we had already experienced A Dutch woman, who turned out to be one of the volunteers there, stopped by and asked if she could come and sit with us for a while. And that was of course allowed. A special story followed that would become our 1st confirmation that we were walking in God's plan!

To Jerusalem! - (continue)


er name was Chana. She asked us if we came from the west of the Netherlands, to which we nodded in the affirmative. and that someone during a prayer meeting had prophesied that God would send four women from the west of the Netherlands to encourage them and would pray for them! Not only was she deeply impressed by our presence, but we were also.We now understood why the Lord had laid upon our hearts not to go together, but to ask two more women.In the week that followed we prayed for every volunteer who wanted to do this. Thankful we were that God on this wonderful way our trip had confirmed

jw 4womenThe next day we visited Jan Willem v.d.Hoeven and his wife Ellen.Jan Willem is director of I,C.Z.C and worked for years as pastor in The Garden Tomb in Jerusalem.We were also allowed to give a gift to them on behalf of the congregation as support for the Feast of Tabernacles to be celebrated the following week.They took us to the Sultans Pool in the heart of Jerusalem where they were already busy setting up the stage.Then Jan Willem showed us other special biblical places. It was an impressive day when we prayed together in many places for the Peace of the Land and especially for Jerusalem!

When I opened my bible in my hotel room at the end of the day, my eye fell on a special scripture Ezekiel 40:4 where it says;

The man said to me, "Human being, look with your eyes, hear with your ears, and pay attention to all the things I am showing you; because the reason you were brought here is so that I could show them to you. Tell everything you see to the house of Isra'el."

My heart started beating faster, what were we going to experience next?

To Jerusalem! - (continue )


he day after we would get a tour from a young guide through the old city of Jerusalem, recommended by a sister who was sure we could learn a lot from him.The guide, his name I will not mention for safety reasons, made a big impression. He showed us the old churches and buildings and the holy places and explained what they all stood for, and we were sometimes shocked by it, Freemasonry and false religions often came by, and became closer and clearly demonstrated.

The appearance of our guide reminded us of John the Baptist from the Bible. So much knowledge of the word of God and so full of fire, as running water, it flowed out of him. We would have loved to have recorded everything he said, but that was too dangerous for him and his family. He also took us through the ancient temple ruins and told who built them. Also told about Judah and Ephraim and how that was biblical. For me this was the 2nd time I heard this explained.
to jerusalem 3 1Then he took us to a special prayer room that was secretly visited by believers in the Messiah, This place was called just like ours Municipality of 'The Banner'!

We prayed there together for the recovery and the protection of Israel. After the tour we drank coffee together in one of the beautiful churches. What interesting things we should have heard and experienced.He had opened our eyes to the darkness that hung over the beautiful old city of God and actually over all Israel.


A wonderful night

noise jerusalem


nnie heard it first. She woke me up the night after the tour. "Adrie do you hear that?" There must be something very bad going on outside, I woke up well to hear it now, and Fia had also woken up in the meantime. We heard sounds of people screaming in fear, the clattering of swords as if people were being murdered, and sirens screaming, What could be going on and what would happen? We went into battle with our prayers and begged God to end it. After some time the noise decreased and we tried to sleep again. Tomorrow morning we would ask and hear what had happened.

But when we saw several people there that next morning We were surprised to find out that no one had heard of the noise! It dawned on us that everything we had heard from our guide that day had been confirmed. There was a fierce battle going on in the heavenlies that you could not hear with the naked ear, but only if God would open your ears to it. It might frighten a person, but the next night the Lord let us hear something again, and it was again Annie who first noticed.

Oh, Adrie, I hear a choir singing, I think it's in the church next door. Do you hear how beautiful it sounds? I looked at my watch, it was already half past eleven. It seemed to me unlikely that there was still singing in church so late in a church surrounded by hotel rooms. No said Fia, who had also woken up in the meantime, God lets us hear angels, we don't have to be afraid of the darkness of yesterday. God's angels are mightier. All three of us agreed with a thorough Hallelujah!

A new day



e had a quiet day to buy some souvenirs together, and then we looked forward to walking to the Western Wall. This trip I bought my first painting near the Christ Church where we were staying. A beautiful painting of a Rabbi blowing on the Shofar at the Wailing Wall with 3 praying Jewish men next to him. It moved me and I decided if it was possible to have it sent home as a surprise for John. The painting got here before I got home, and it's been hanging over the chimney for years.

The next day we were picked up by Sondra Baras whom I mentioned earlier. She would take us to a settlement that could use some support. It wouldn't be a harmless drive through Judah/Samaria. Along the way we stopped at a beautiful settlement built by American immigrants, who had left everything behind to build a village here in the desert. It was impressively beautiful and lovely. With well-groomed paths surrounded by a color of flowers that led to the houses. We were invited by a female doctor who lived there for a drink, and she pulled out a large map of Israel and showed how much territory Israel had already had to give up to the Palestinians. It looked worrisome, yet she had firm faith that God had promised them the land. So she pointed outside to a desolate place in the distance where they and a few others wanted to build a village from the bare ground.. Pfft.. Dear Lord bless this people and their courages work!

Continuation of this day



hen we drove on and we stopped at a beautiful shop where the most beautiful souvenirs were sold. There we bought the Shofar for our congregation. We were also invited to watch a film in a separate room under the building. It started by showing how the first Jews in the late 1800's started building on the incredible rocky outcrops, of which Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu once said; No farmer would let his goat graze there!  After persistent sweating and suffering, but with singing, the first village there was built in collaboration with the Arab neighbours, who were of course also invited to the opening.

Admiringly, we watched all these heroes, until we saw something horrific happen. The so-called new Arab friends with whom they had lived well now surrounded the village and were the first to shoot the Jewish men, mothers, children and the elderly herded in a deep hole outside the village and gave them weapons and forced them to shoot each other. If they didn't, they still did it for them. Then they burned the whole village and started celebrating!! We were petrified watching this. This is where the movie ended. We couldn't say a word..

It was dead quiet! Sondra stood motionless, looking at us with revealing eyes. It took a while before we fully realized what she wanted to say to us; Look, if we don't stand up for ourselves, this will continue to happen! We understood..... unfortunately nothing has changed until today.

Our 1st visit to a Settlement

1e bezoek nederzetting


fter this we drove to the settlement with which we would make contact.We will not mention the name for security reasons. It was a beautiful settlement with largely self-supporting We were welcomed by a lovely family. Also the mayor of this settlement had come to get acquainted.

In the cozy room with lots of plants we felt right at home. We got an extensive tour of the site. Good air conditioning was desperately needed in the children's areas of the school. A small playground could also use some nice devices, after all it was the only amusement for them here in the middle of the desert. We were happy that as a municipality we could use the Banier could offer a nice contribution for this. And so we had another good and beautiful project completed. With great impressions went back to Jerusalem.

Alice from our congregation who also went along, was friends with a mother and daughter who made alia had traveled to Israel through Ebenezer Exodus, an organization well known to us. We also wanted them support them in their new existence. We were received so sweet and hospitable, it moved them and us!

We had been through a lot. Our visit to the Garden of the Tombs, the Mount of Olives. With other messianic believer may pray for the peace of Jerusalem in a prayer room that is also just like our congregation the Banner was called. So many people allowed Meet. There was a lot to tell on our 'home front' One more night's sleep and then we would be picked up by a shuttle bus that would take us to the airport in Tel Aviv. Shalom Jerusalem, Shalom Israel!

Back to the Netherlands. .

ben gurion airport


t was obvious that the next morning the driver was in a hurry, he saw that I was carrying the big Shofar and warned me to get on the bus and sit down next to the driversseat. The other sisters took a seat behind me. On the way we stopped in a Jewish Orthodox neighborhood, where some men in black with curls hunging under their black hats. The radio in the bus was annoyingly loud and the driver scolded and turned on the gas.

I felt it getting dangerous and started to sing softly; Kadosch kadosch (Holy, holy) .Safely the driver turned off the radio and smiled at me kindly. Alice nudged me softly from behind and made it clear that I should not sing because there were Jewish men in the back of the bus, but Annie nodded encouragingly and I kept on singing. The gas went back and the swearing stopped. Safely we arrived at Ben Gurion Airport.

As I boarded the plane, a stuart lightly tapped my arm and pointed to the Shofar I was wearing, wrapped in a shawl. He asked me; Shall I carefully put it in the front where it can be stored more protected? This showed how much a Jewish person has respect for an instrument like a Shofar. Whe did not know then how special our trip back home would be!

Final 1st trip Israel

final trip2


nce on the plane, Fia was sitting by the window and I in the middle seat. Annie and Alice sat behind us. Just before we were supposed to take off, a large-sized man walked up the path, panting, and plopped up the empty chair next to me. Assuming that the gentleman next to me did not understand Dutch, I said to Fia Hey that's a pity, I would have loved to put my arm on the railing, because it had become very painful the last few days by carrying my bag a lot., to which the man next to me said kindly; Put your arm down, no problem. Oh, he understood me! We got into a conversation and not just like that. He asked what we had seen in Israel and why we had just been to Israel? I could say a lot about that of course. First of all, that we bleief in the God of the bible , and for this reason also Israel, whom He called His people. Finally he asked me THE big question every Jew should have? If God is love, explain to me the holocust?

...for a moment there was silence. I noticed that the 2 women behind me were praying for me to answer to such a difficult question. And God gave me wisdom, I said that I also had no answer for this, but that God had given promises in His word about the future of Israel. Jewish people that can be read in the bible books of, among others, Isaiah and Jeremiah. I also told about our church that was founded precisely out of love for Israel. He thought that was so special, something like that he had never heard of, he had a friend at home who was a minister and who once gave him a bible, but he told me honestly that he had never read it. I asked him to do this sometime in the future, especially to read the ax book of Isaiah 53, for the Lord had told me that if I spoke to a Jewish person, I would had to read or this text.

I didn't know at the time that it is precisely that text that the Jews have such a hard time with. It had become very quiet on the plane, more people had been listening to our conversation. The man next to me had also told me some personal things such as that he had a high position in the army, and weekly flew back and forth between Amsterdam and Tel Aviv where he lived. I was honored to hear from him that normally he didn't just start a conversation with everyone sitting next to him, but that he had instilled confidence in me about this to do.

We had talked enough and he wanted to close his eyes for a moment and adjust the back of the chair a bit behind. I silently thanked God for this special conversation. Suddenly there was an incredibly hard kick to the back of his chair. The people around us were also scared. He probably had had enough, but now he wouldn't rest. When I looked back, I saw a man with a terribly repulsive face, to frighten me. The man next to me I'd been talking to didn't even look back. He raised his arm and snapped his finger on which a Stuart walked up, whereupon the man next to me said; The man behind me is having trouble with me wanting to rest, would you like to talk to him about this? For me it was certain that the man next to me was known to the staff!

When leaving the plane he waved us goodbye cheerfully and wished us good luck with our congregation about which he would certainly speak with his friend. An unforgettable 1st trip on behalf of our congregation de Banier!

Isaiah 52:11 and 12


epart, depart, go forth from there; touch not the unclean thing, depart from her midst, purify yourselves, you who bear the vessels of the Lord.

Still worked part-time in fashion, but over time the business where I worked had changed hands several times. Instead of the middle class, it had become fashion for mainly young people and clearly changed in appearance. I noticed that the print of the clothing was becoming more aggressive. There were also more and more skulls even on children's clothing.

jmodeThe music also changed. An unsuspecting customer would probably hardly notice it, but I started to get annoyed by the many unclean lyrics that this music contained. In addition, normal sales changed into making sure that nothing is stolen, and unpacking the increasingly delivered boxes every day. One day the Lord spoke to my heart through Isaiah 52 verse 11 and 12. The text written above this chapter. Giving up my job at a time when you could be happy, especially at my age, that you can work, was a bit of a shock for me.

We would miss my salary, but we should because John had a good income. I did, however, dread having to explain why I wanted to stop to my boss and our district leader. I wrestled with the Lord about this and asked for confirmation. The next time I walked back into the store to go to work, there was an unmissable large mannequin in front of the store with a very aggressive look and an unmissable belt with a large skull as closure! This came right in my face. I walked thoughtfully to our cloakroom to hang up my coat and there was a surprise waiting for me. Meetings were held in the small room by, among others, my boss, our district leader and the Etaleur. The Lord had made it easy for me! My heart started beating in my throat, I was sure the Lord had arranged this for me and I could immediately announce my resignation to all.

They were amazed to hear my honest story about how the latest fashion trend started to annoy me. Most of them knew that I was a Christian, I had never made a secret of it. Yet they did not fully understand why I wanted to quit my job for that reason. Our Etaleur followed me into the store for a while, and asked if I was sure? I asked him; Will this fashion image stay that way, or is it just temporary and will it be changed again in the new season? Unfortunately no, this trend did very well and they certainly weren't going to stop there. Then I knew for sure, this 'vat' had to go! Very shortly afterwards, due to certain circumstances, John's income fell and that was unexpected.

I had obeyed the voice of the Lord at the right time. Had I known this I probably would not have stopped working after all, and the influence of all the impurity and darkness could still affect my mind unnoticed. We placed our concerns at The Cross and trusted that God would take care of us and He did not betray that trust!

Back to Israel


ow that we knew which organizations we were going to support, Fia and I decided to personally hand over the donations in Israel. We also wanted to film everything in order to involve the home front more and to show them what they gave their donations to. We decided to start in Haifa, the highest point in the north of Israel, and to visit as first project the Ebenezerhome. We got a nice tour and were deeply impressed by the work that was done there. It had a Dutch staff, and most of the residents were also from Holland. It was a home where Holocaust survivors were lovingly taken care of and excellently cared for. The old ladies proudly showed off their beautiful embroideries that they had made. Afterwards we were allowed to have lunch with the staff members. We tasted the love and thanked God for bringing this project to our attention.

They were so grateful to be allowed to stay in this house. They all had their own cozy room next to the larger living room. There was also a nursing ward that left nothing to be desired. We had heard that because it was a Christian House, no subsidy was received from the government, All the more so for our need to certainly support this wonderful work.

ebenezerhome 4ebenezerhome 3ebenezerhome 1

Now I had read in an Israel missionary earlier about a church nearby called Carmel, named after the mountain of the same name on which it was built. And how it had come about with donations from around the world. How a large Bible school had been built next to it, and a guest house, a shelter for refugees and associated buildings for the shelter of addicts. I had read about anointed meetings and we both wanted to be a part of that.

We took a taxi up the high mountain, but to our disappointment there were no activities at that time, but we did get a tour of the Church and not a word was said too much about it. He was beautiful! Still a bit disappointed we walked down the mountain and took the bus back to Jerusalem, On to our next visit!

Stories Adriana

On this page you can find al the stories about  Adriana and her life with Yeshua and her love for Israel.
adriana israel