Friday, 17 May 2024

Birth of our daughter and death from my dear father

Starting family


n the meantime, to our great joy, our daughter was glowing of health. She was beautiful and we gave her the name Miranda which means; must be admired. And she has lived up to her name. To this day she is still a beautiful woman, and there has never been a lack of admiration!

My dear father had become quite unexpectedly seriously ill at that time. So much so that he could no longer admire her except than in a picture. The terrible result was: Lung cancer!

He struggled to leave his wife and children like this, and we to lose him. But his suffering was so terrible that he himself asked the Lord for a favor;

Father in Heaven if you call me home, may it be on Ascension Day? And God who is love has answered his prayer! His time on earth lasted 65 years, but he knew and believed; 

Jesus said , “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;
John 11:25

Stories Adriana

On this page you can find al the stories about  Adriana and her life with Yeshua and her love for Israel.
adriana israel