Friday, 17 May 2024

Looking for a new congregation and a new space for our coffee bar - Part 2


an we come and see it? I asked, feeling the excitement rise in me. Sure enough, came the good-natured voice on the other end of the line, you can come and get the key right away.I called some friends and together we went to see the building, You had to look through it, yes, but then you also saw that it could become something. There were tables with benches and there was a toilet, although the latter was too nice a name for the hole we looked into. Many windows had been smashed and somewhat covered with rags. You could feel the journey through space screaming. We pulled the rags off the windows and knelt on them to thank God for this amazing space!

When John came home from work in the evening and I told my story full of enthusiasm, he didn't react like me. The Thialf Ice Club? he asked with disbelief in his voice. That horrible old shack? This fell on my roof a bit raw, after the long search we had done for a new space for our coffee bar. Now go and have a look tonight, I asked, then you will see that something can really be made of it. But he was not to relent, madness according to him!

That evening we went to the building with even more friends from our coffee bar. We had to admit that a blind horse couldn't do any damage there, and it was going to be quite a job. But we had found a space, and so close to home! What a pity that John wasn't there to watch it. He had started at home repairing our broken tape recorder that hadn't worked for a long time. And sure enough he did it again. There was still a tape of the service with Hans Koornstra, recorded from the evening shift of the Mobilization day. The first words from the cassette sounded clear; There are always those people who need to hear a voice from above before they take a step forward!

John felt addressed and put on his coat and shoes to step inside a moment later. While we were thanking God, he looked around and maintained his opinion that this old building was in dilapidated condition to be renovated. And what should this cost?

Stories Adriana

On this page you can find al the stories about  Adriana and her life with Yeshua and her love for Israel.
adriana israel