Friday, 17 May 2024

Our conversation at the Brother Council


nd so we were invited with our entire work team to visit the pastor and the brother council to look back on this day, And yes, how to proceed? they asked us. Of course we can do this to our churchmembers do not give every Sunday. No, we understood that too, as happy as we were already that we should have organized this day. We wanted to make a new proposal to organize this maybe once in a quarter, on a smaller scale of course, so e.g. on the Sunday evening. And then this conversation started to continue.

Some of our team members had, without knowing us, decided to leave the church and transfer to a Pentecostal church, and now that they were leaving the church anyway, all the criticism accumulated from the past years was put under the noses of the pastor and the brothers and give them a good explanation of how to interpret the Bible!

We felt the legs sink under our seats, and rightly so! Because this meant that confidence was lost in our work. How incredibly cheated we felt. These people had been praying for revival in this church for years, and now we had something wonderful together were allowed to organize, and just now they left the church and left us with the pieces. From that moment on we could immediately forget about our coffee bar work. We were forbidden to meet longer in the hall of the church.

Stories Adriana

On this page you can find al the stories about  Adriana and her life with Yeshua and her love for Israel.
adriana israel