Friday, 17 May 2024

The family I grew up in (continue)

adriana vroeger


 lementry school, as it was called in my time, was not a pleasant time for me, which I remember. Sitting inside for hours was not for me. Since I was left-handed and had to learn to write with my right hand, I was hit on my hands almost daily. Nevertheless passed all classes. My highest mark was an eight for religion.

I praised the day this school door would close behind me for good.After this I went to the seconddairy school which lasted two years, this seemed to me to be overcome.
There was no mention of further training, apparently I had made it clear that I did not feel like it. I got in touch with a nice girl at that school, and we soon became good friends. In the long run I spent more time at her house than at my own parents. You were considered more of an adult there, and what was also important to me, I was allowed to smoke a cigarette there, yes, that was still quite normal at the time as a fourteen-year-old girl.

The rhythm of the Sunday was better for me there too, because every Sunday we went to church together there, and that was more fun than going alone. I have to explain this. My father went on his moped to the Christian Reformed Church in Charlois where we were a member and my father also had the position of elder. If possible, my mother went on the back of his moped. We then went to the Reformed Church, which was closer to our house. My friend's family was affiliated with the Reformed Church, so I stayed on the right path for a few more years.

After school I had to start earning something, the pocket money I received was not enough and I had to wait until I turned fifteen for an official job, so what now? I was able to work half a day in the household for a dignified lady who ran a clothing store, and soon managed to exploited me.  I soon realized that this was not for me and that I really had to learn something. The evening training of 'Schoevers' provided a solution. I got my typing diploma there and that opened up new possibilities. I was allowed to do some office work with a brother-in-law who had his own business and that is how I earned a little extra.

But when I turned fifteen and was officially allowed to work, I started training as a sales assistant at C & A in Rotterdam Center.
Dealing with new colleagues opened a new world for me!However, this also meant the end of my friendship with my friend from the seconddairy school. She kept me trapped in her world too much. It was time to break out of there!

Stories Adriana

On this page you can find al the stories about  Adriana and her life with Yeshua and her love for Israel.
adriana israel